So here I am once more in the playground of the broken hearts One more experience, one more entry in a diary, self-penned..........As you grow up and leave the playground Where you kissed your prince and found your frog Remember the jester that showed you tears, The script for tears....... There's a point in your life, you got to reach and when you do, you know it, and now I'm here,If I held out my heart and offered my hand would you take it, if I showed you the stars would you follow, let me show you the way to the thirteenth star.

I follow the thirteenth star.

"...there are times when Fish produces moments of such magic that you realize that only a veteran would know how to deliver such a moving experience after all these years." (Britsound)

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The Story So Far :

torsdag 8. juli 2010

Fish "Slainte Mhath"

1 kommentar:

  1. Gratulere!B e jo en veldig bra karakter. Syns C er bra ej. Men B e jo enda bedre. Må du alltid nå høgre enn det då?Ej hadde vore supder fornøgd om ej hadde fått B på en eksamen, fekk det på eit par på utdanninga. Men C er også ein bra karakter!
    Kor dokke skal eller har vært på ferie da?Flytter fra Trondheim neste helg. Blir litt rart men mest godt!E sååå klar for Oslo no!Men skal vere heime på sunnmøre nokre veker først så flyttar eg før 16.august en gang.
