So here I am once more in the playground of the broken hearts One more experience, one more entry in a diary, self-penned..........As you grow up and leave the playground Where you kissed your prince and found your frog Remember the jester that showed you tears, The script for tears....... There's a point in your life, you got to reach and when you do, you know it, and now I'm here,If I held out my heart and offered my hand would you take it, if I showed you the stars would you follow, let me show you the way to the thirteenth star.

I follow the thirteenth star.

"...there are times when Fish produces moments of such magic that you realize that only a veteran would know how to deliver such a moving experience after all these years." (Britsound)

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The Story So Far :

fredag 22. oktober 2010

Fish "Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors"

Listen to me
Just hear me out
If I could have your attention
Just quieten down for a voice in the crowd
I get so confused and I don't understand
I know you feel the same way you've always wanted to say
But you don't get the chance
Just a voice in the crowd

I don't know the score anymore
It's not clear anymore
I can't tell right from wrong anymore
I just don't understand
I was sitting here thinking of exchanging a new world for old
Like changing the channels on TV
Or the dirt that we stand in to gold

When I was young
My father told me just bad guys die
At the time just a little white lie
It was one of the first but it hurt me the most
And the truth stung like tears in my eyes
That even the good guys must die
There's no reasoning no crimes and I never knew why
Even now it still makes me cry

If there's somebody up there, could they throw me down a line
Just a little helping hand, just a little understanding
Just some answers to the questions that surround me now
If there's somebody up there, could they throw me down a line
Just a little guiding light to tell wrong from right
Just some answers to the questions that I'm asking you
I keep a vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
Where nothing here is ever what it seems
You stand so close but you never understand it
For all that we see is not all that it seems, am I blind?

And you sit there and talk revolution
But can you tell me just who's in command?
When you tell me the forces we're fighting
Then I'll join you and gladly make plans
But for now only our t-shirts cry freedom
And our voices are gagged by our greed
Our minds are harnessed by knowledge
By the hill and the will to succeed
And if that's not what you believe
Would you just let me know
I'm not standing alone
That I'm not just a voice in the crowd

If there's somebody up there, could they throw me down a line
Just a little helping hand, just a little understanding
Just some answers to the questions that I'm asking you
If there's somebody up there, just throw me down a line
Just a little guiding light to tell wrong from right
Just some answers to the questions that I'm asking you
I'll keep a vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
Where nothing is exactly how it seems
You're reaching out, you're so close you can touch it
But it all disappears when it's always so near
But one day we will find that we stand in the light
Until then I'll keep a vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
Nothing here is ever what it seems
I'm scared to shout in case I draw attention from the powers
That preside over our minds and our lives
When they find what I want is the deadliest weapon, that istruth

Day by day it's getting louder
And day by day it's getting stronger
But when I can't scream no more and I need reassurance,
I listen to the crowd

And the boy stood and stared at the hill
And the hill - it stared back

1 kommentar:

  1. Hmm trur ikkje museum e noke for meg. Sjelden iallefall. Men spørs ka det e da. Kan vere det er noko interessant. vitenskapsmuseum bruka å vere litt intr da, var på det med utdanninga mi første året i Trondheim.
    Omvinsing på slottet altså, DET kunne virkelig eg tenkt meg! E stoor fan av Dronninga og. Ho e berre ei heilt fantastisk dame på alle måtar. Kler seg utruleg flott og virka så sympatisk,empatisk og tvers gjennom god.

    Hatt ei bra helg da?Her har den vore rolig og stille. Kosa meg med tv-underholdning,strikking,seriar og film på nett. Så greit det i blant. Neste helg blir det ein tur ut at :) Kjekt å "riste på raua" så en sei på mine trakte ;) Hehe og treffe litt folk.
    Håpe min utkåra e her en plass;) hehehe. Føle presset virkelig for tida, mange av venindene mine he en eller mange snarr to unga. Endel e gift, kun få som er aleine og uten unga. Alt til si tid men føler klokka tikkar litt. Men etter studieåret her er omme og eg får meg ein bra jobb(håpe sterkt i ein bank!Stor drøm!)og får spart opp til leilighet om et par år, så håper eg har mann og barn på vei haha lov å drømme iallefall ;) Blir babysjuk når veninner no har små gull.

    Kor gamle er barna dine?

    Studie går greit, synes det er interessant og spennande. Noko meir vanskelig enn anna, men det må berre jobbast ekstra med.
    Forrige veke var ganske rolig i forhold til det rottereset som brukaå ver, ei innlevering tirsdagen, og ei gruppeoppgave som blei levert onsdagen ellers var det ganske late/rolige daga. Men no begynner ruset igjen, denne veka er det fire innleveringar/testa. Så blir henda fulle dinne veka ja, men godt å ha noke å gjere!

    Høyres ut som du er fullt opptatt du og, så du er sjølvstendig næringsdrivande altså. Du har sikkert sagt det før, men har gløymt det ;p Då må du nok ha ting å gjer ja, men gjeld å ikkje slite seg ut og!

    skal du på begge konsertane til Fish i desember?
