So here I am once more in the playground of the broken hearts One more experience, one more entry in a diary, self-penned..........As you grow up and leave the playground Where you kissed your prince and found your frog Remember the jester that showed you tears, The script for tears....... There's a point in your life, you got to reach and when you do, you know it, and now I'm here,If I held out my heart and offered my hand would you take it, if I showed you the stars would you follow, let me show you the way to the thirteenth star.

I follow the thirteenth star.

"...there are times when Fish produces moments of such magic that you realize that only a veteran would know how to deliver such a moving experience after all these years." (Britsound)

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The Story So Far :

torsdag 23. desember 2010

Tur til Holmsbu på Mark Wilkinson-utstilling.

Lørdag 11.12 tok jeg med meg kona, ungene og bikkja på dagstur til Holmsbu. Mark Wilkinson hadde salgsutstilling i ett stabbur på Holm gård,en av Hurum's eldste gårder.Etter lang tids venting på Fish konsertene som ble utsatt fra nov/des til mars,ble turen ett "plaster på såret", for skuffelsen var stor når det omsider gikk opp for meg at det IKKE VAR en dårlig spøk at konsertene var avlyst/utsatt pga dårlig vær i Storbritania.
I 1.etg i stabburet på Holm gård var Mark og Morten på plass da vi ankom. Altid like hyggelig å treffe dem.
Mark's kunst innrammet på veggene,boka "Shadowplay",kalender for 2011 med Marks bilder og mere kunne kjøpes.
Jeg hadde bestilt ett bilde, men gikk ut igjen med 3....(signerte julegaver :o) )
...+ en kalender til meg selv da.
Blandt bildene som jeg kjøpte var "Sugar Mice", og Morten hadde med seg gitaren og spilte/sang "Sugar Mice" MEGET BRA MORTEN!! :o)
Eldste jenta knipset bilder,også bilde av skissa Mark tegnet til maleriet han gjorde av jentene i 2007 Mark hadde også med sitt nyeste bilde som var bestilt av en familie ikke så veldig langt fra der jeg bor, ett nytt fantastisk portrettbilde med norsk natur (Skeikampen) som bakgrunn.Kjøperen av bildet skulle komme dagen etter vi var der, å hadde noe å glede seg til!! Flere "familie-bilder" ble det også......før turen gikk til "Cafe Juno",en cafe/pub i ett av stedets eldste bygninger, hvor både store og små gledet seg til verdens beste pizza!!!Morten og Mark kom også innom.
Det var en hyggelig adventstur til Holmbsu, i år som i fjor. :o)
Marillion "Sugar Mice" (1987)

I was flicking through the channels on the TV
On a Sunday in Milwaukee in the rain
Trying to piece together conversations
Trying to find out where to lay the blame
But when it comes right down to it there's no use trying to pretend
For when it gets right down to it there's no one here that's left to blame
Blame it on me, you can blame it on me
We're just sugar mice in the rain

I heard Sinatra calling me through the floorboards
Where you pay a quarter for a partnership in rhyme
To the jukebox crying in the corner
While the waitress is counting out the time

For when it comes right down to it there's no use trying to pretend
For when it gets right down to it there's no one really left to blame
Blame it on me, you can blame it on me
We're just sugar mice in the rain

'Cos I know what I feel, know what I want I know what I am
Daddy took a raincheck
' Cos I know what I want, know what I feel I know what I need
Daddy took a raincheck, your daddy took a raincheck
Ain't no one in here that's left to blame but me
Blame it on me, blame it on me

Well the toughest thing that I ever did was talk to the kids on the phone
When I heard them asking questions I knew that you were all alone
Can't you understand that the government left me out of work
I just couldn't stand the looks on their faces saying, "What a jerk"

So if you want my address it's number one at the end of the bar
Where I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars
Blame it on me, blame it on me,
Sugar mice in the rain, your daddy took a raincheck
I was flicking through the channels on the TV
On a Sunday in Milwaukee in the rain
Trying to piece together conversations
Trying to find out where to lay the blame
But when it comes right down to it there's no use trying to pretend
For when it gets right down to it there's no one here that's left to blame
Blame it on me, you can blame it on me
We're just sugar mice in the rain

I heard Sinatra calling me through the floorboards
Where you pay a quarter for a partnership in rhyme
To the jukebox crying in the corner
While the waitress is counting out the time

For when it comes right down to it there's no use trying to pretend
For when it gets right down to it there's no one really left to blame
Blame it on me, you can blame it on me
We're just sugar mice in the rain

'Cos I know what I feel, know what I want I know what I am
Daddy took a raincheck
' Cos I know what I want, know what I feel I know what I need
Daddy took a raincheck, your daddy took a raincheck
Ain't no one in here that's left to blame but me
Blame it on me, blame it on me

Well the toughest thing that I ever did was talk to the kids on the phone
When I heard them asking questions I knew that you were all alone
Can't you understand that the government left me out of work
I just couldn't stand the looks on their faces saying, "What a jerk"

So if you want my address it's number one at the end of the bar
Where I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars
Blame it on me, blame it on me,
Sugar mice in the rain, your daddy took a raincheck

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