So here I am once more in the playground of the broken hearts One more experience, one more entry in a diary, self-penned..........As you grow up and leave the playground Where you kissed your prince and found your frog Remember the jester that showed you tears, The script for tears....... There's a point in your life, you got to reach and when you do, you know it, and now I'm here,If I held out my heart and offered my hand would you take it, if I showed you the stars would you follow, let me show you the way to the thirteenth star.

I follow the thirteenth star.

"...there are times when Fish produces moments of such magic that you realize that only a veteran would know how to deliver such a moving experience after all these years." (Britsound)

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Sidevisninger siste måned

The Story So Far :

søndag 25. april 2010

Fish 52 år idag 25.04 2010 GRATULERER MED DAGEN!!

1 kommentar:

  1. Hehe det går bra.Var en kjekk kveld igår da igrunn:)
    Men enkelte e bare litt teite. En kompis og noen dumme folk på en uteplass, men var kjempe bra musikk og masse folk:)

    Men dreit meg litt ut da, en som ikkje skulle sjå innlegget såg det...fikk ikkje sletta det fort nok..drit!Men trur ej fikk rodd meg vekk..hehe

    Hatt ei bra helg?
